Permissions you have previously given the GATR App can be deleted from the same interfaces that you create them from. Below are more detailed instructions for each platform.
Zoom Bot #
The automation feature for Zoom comes from the GATRV3b Zoombot and your explicit acceptance of its permission scope. Namely, the ability to read information about your meetings as well as to add new users to the meetings you have created.
Install Zoom Bot #
Login to your NFT Gater account ( and click the Zoom option in the Integrations section of your Account page. You will be brought to a Zoom authorization screen where you can review the bot permissions over your Zoom user account. These permissions are necessary for the gated Zoom automations to be enabled in your GATR account. From that point, you will be allowed to design “Zoom Gates” to automate web3-based conditions to entry.
Uninstall Zoom Bot #
To remove the integration and delete your Zoom-related data from the GATR system, click the ‘Delete’ button on your Zoom Integration interface at You may also want to check your Zoom dashboard to remove the app from your account.