NFT Gater is the only self-service web3 creation platform that adds functionality to your own website. By dictating which NFTs unlock your gate, and choosing from a range of payload types, you can associate NFT ownership with anything from access to a Discord channel to a free product on your store. Create your NFT using your favorite service, then use NFT Gater to apply functionality to those tokens in seconds.
Total Control.
The best thing about NFT utility is the direct relationship you have with your consumers. Provide specific identity access to your meetings and governance bodies, or leave it up to the NFT marketplace who can access your voting / intake platform.

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- Coming: V4 the Cross-Chain UpdateThe GATR app ( is going to be going through live testing as we begin to push updates for V4, the cross-chain update. V3 was marked by more useful web2 API integrations and the introduction of Gater Spaces. V4 will revamp NFT Gater from top to bottom to start becoming a cross-chain service. It will… Read more: Coming: V4 the Cross-Chain Update
- Coming: SoundCloud IntegrationWe wanted to let you all know that we are working on a Soundcloud integration for NFT Gater that would allow users to token-gate their Private tracks, using the GATR app as a payment gateway or proof of purchase. The GATR gate system has a variety of trigger options that a musician can use to… Read more: Coming: SoundCloud Integration
- New: NMKR IntegrationThis week we will be live-testing the newest GATR app feature, an integration with NMKR (NFT Maker). Integrating your NMKR account to your NFT Gater account enables you to design token gates with NMKR-related abilities. Here’s what to expect on upcoming features. New Ability: Mint and Send Configure your gate Ability to NMKR to send… Read more: New: NMKR Integration
- New Automation: NFT Discord RoleUse your gates to add one or more Discord Roles to a guild member, thereby controlling access to channels by gate conditions. As of this writing the new Discord Gate type has been tested on NFT policy triggers and currently monitoring the same thing with stake pool related triggers. Discord gating is available to GATR… Read more: New Automation: NFT Discord Role