This week we will be live-testing the newest GATR app feature, an integration with NMKR (NFT Maker). Integrating your NMKR account to your NFT Gater account enables you to design token gates with NMKR-related abilities. Here’s what to expect on upcoming features.
New Ability: Mint and Send
Configure your gate Ability to NMKR to send token(s) to the token portal user after they pass all gate Trigger conditions. Because each mint comes with standard fees from NMKR and the Cardano network, it is recommended that gates configured to mint tokens with the Gate Use Cap option specified to limit use to what is available. Optionally, by pairing this Ability with an NMKR-related Trigger (below) you can ensure that the $ADA your NMKR account needs is flowing in from the initial payment, which can perpetually afford fees involved in the minting gate.
New NMKR Triggers
You will be able to create a GATR gate that has payment requirements, using your NMKR account to create custom payment requirements for unlocking a given gate. These payment requirements can be combined with the new Mint and Send gate ability, or any other gate ability.
Must Mint First
Specify an NFT project from your NMKR account to use as a Trigger, meaning that the user must mint an NFT before unlocking the gate, as opposed to simply validating ownership as in other gate types. This minting Trigger is not to be confused with the minting Ability, which sends coins to the user after the gate unlocks. When using a minting Trigger you can point to an NFT or fungible NMKR campaign that represents a reward coin, that consumers would earn each time they pass through your gate portal.
ADA Pay Gate
In ADA Pay Gate mode, your gate Trigger is still associated with one of your NMKR minting campaigns, but you are specifying a price. In this instance the minting of coins is a side-effect of the payment processing, and the point is that you get to require a specific amount of ADA for the gate to unlock for the user. Combined with the NMKR minting Trigger, you can set special prices for users who meet other gate conditions. The minting campaign you use can be used as a payment receipt for unlocking the gate, and you can then monetize any type of perk you choose directly in ADA.
Native Token Redemption
You can incentivize the circulation of your NFT project by making utilities that take your cNFT as payment, letting you catch and release your project tokens back into the trading economy. This NMKR gate mode lets you specify one native asset and a quantity to facilitate payment before unlocking the gate. Requiring NFT redemption can be especially useful for circulating fungibles through a pay-gate for gaming, or to design an NFT turn-in program whereby giving up a token means getting a new one.

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